PDF Pattern Little Rabbit Ollie with jacket

11.00 ~ 11.81 $

Vendido por: Whoa Ollie

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This is a PDF pattern to make your very own Little Rabbit Ollie!
The finished rabbit is about 4.5 inches (11½ centimeters).

Designed for those who are familiar with the creation of Teddy’s technique.

Please, ready carefuly to understand that you will buy. If you will have any questions about it, please contact me before buy.

The template is given without a description of the progress of work, the result depends on your experienceand embroidery of the eyes with a landing stream.

When you buy this teddy bear stile pattern, you get PDF-file with:

1. contours of the rabbit with jacket pattern with all necessary notations on it;
2. the list of all required materials and tools, you need for work with my teddy bear stile pattern;
3. short text instructions with photos “How to sew a head with a valve”.

Attention!!! This price is not for a toy, is not for sewing kit of materials for a toy, it’s price only for PDF-file.

You buy only my intellectual property in electronic form. Therefore, after confirmed payment money in any case can not be refund. Even if you bought by mistake without realizing. You as the buyer have to read the description and understand what you are buying before you buy, not after.

You can make a toy or some toys using my pattern for yourself, or for a gift.
I want you to enjoy making the items by using my patterns.
If you wish to sell the items that you make from my design, please do so with mark of my name.

My pattern is not for commercial use. Templates can not be sold or put on resources.

Thank you for understanding!

Enjoy your creativity!

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This is a PDF pattern to make your very own Little Rabbit Ollie!
The finished rabbit is about 4.5 inches (11½ centimeters).

Designed for those who are familiar with the creation of Teddy’s technique.

Please, ready carefuly to understand that you will buy. If you will have any questions about it, please contact me before buy.

The template is given without a description of the progress of work, the result depends on your experienceand embroidery of the eyes with a landing stream.

When you buy this teddy bear stile pattern, you get PDF-file with:

1. contours of the rabbit with jacket pattern with all necessary notations on it;
2. the list of all required materials and tools, you need for work with my teddy bear stile pattern;
3. short text instructions with photos “How to sew a head with a valve”.

Attention!!! This price is not for a toy, is not for sewing kit of materials for a toy, it’s price only for PDF-file.

You buy only my intellectual property in electronic form. Therefore, after confirmed payment money in any case can not be refund. Even if you bought by mistake without realizing. You as the buyer have to read the description and understand what you are buying before you buy, not after.

You can make a toy or some toys using my pattern for yourself, or for a gift.
I want you to enjoy making the items by using my patterns.
If you wish to sell the items that you make from my design, please do so with mark of my name.

My pattern is not for commercial use. Templates can not be sold or put on resources.

Thank you for understanding!

Enjoy your creativity!

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