Outfit for dolls Ruby Red

60.00 ~ 64.45 $


– lower dress
– dress

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Set in a romantic style. Sewn from high quality natural materials. The proportions of a “real” adult outfit are maximally observed in the image.

The set includes:

1. Lower dress with ties on the back, lace trim on the front and romantic ruffles on the bottom.

2. main dress with ruffles on the cuffs only 3 mm wide, pearl buttons in the size of polka dots on the fabric pattern. Ruche on the sleeves makes the dress dress dressy, despite the modest coloring of the fabrics.

Attention: Doll, accessories, shoes and wig are not included!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this outfit. Non-returnable. I am happy to provide additional photos at your request.

Envíos a los continentes: África, Norteamérica, Asia, Antártida, Oceanía, Europa, Sudamérica

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Информация о продавце

  • Название магазина: El guardarropa de PollyAnna y #039
  • Продавец El guardarropa de PollyAnna y #039
  • Рейтинг отсутствует!

Consulta con el vendedor en la página de su tienda o en la descripción del producto las normas de devolución y anulación de un pedido.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this outfit. Non-returnable. I am happy to provide additional photos at your request.



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