English Crochet and knitting pattern “UNICORN outfit” (pdf)

6.00 10.00  (-40%)~ 6.43 $

Vendido por: Solovieva_toys

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- Inglés
- Conjunto de patrón único (talla 32-33 cm)
– Crocheted and knitting patterns
– PDF format consisting 18 of pages
– 67 photographs
– This pattern does not contain basic crochet and knitting lessons

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Materials you need:
YarnArt jeans 50gr-160m, 55% cotton/45% acrylic, pink (№ 36), white (№ 62),purple (№ 19), yellow (№ 67)
Size 2,0 crochet hook, circular needles № 2,5
Cotton fabric
Ribbon (to make bows)
Decoration for the dress (a necklace or a beautiful button)
5 pink buttons
Elastic (for the skirt)
Toy stuffing (for the horn only)
Plastic – to make insoles. It is possible to use covers of jars, modeling board (buy it at stationeries’)
Thread (the dress color) it is possible to sew by hand or use sewing machine
Tapestry needle, pins

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  • Название магазина: Solovieva_toys
  • Продавец Solovieva_toys
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6.00 10.00  (-40%)~ 6.43 $

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