Doll clothes for Twinkles and Pukifee (Summer)

45.00 ~ 48.22 $

Vendido por: DollyBerries

2 disponibles

Doll clothes set includes shirt, pants with skirt and summer hat.

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This unique set of doll clothes perfectly fits Twinkles (by Meadowdolls) and other similar sized Ball Jointed Dolls – Engendritos (Irrealdoll), lati yellow (Lati doll), Pukifee (Fairyland). The set includes shirt, pants with skirt and summer hat. The shirt closes on its back by tiny snaps. Please note that color of clothes may slightely vary from actual, it depends on the computer or mobile settings. Since I sew a several sets of the same type at once, the pattern of the fabric may differ a little from a promo photo. Also note that doll, its shoes, wigs and other accessories not listed – are not included.

Envíos a los continentes: Asia, Europa, Norteamérica

Países de envío: Noruega, Canadá

Estados de envío: Columbia Británica (Canadá), Nunavut (Canadá), nueva Escocia (Canadá), territorio de Yukon (Canadá), Nuevo Brunswick (Canadá), Saskatchewan (Canadá), Territorios del Noroeste (Canadá), Quebec (Canadá), Newfoundland y Labrador (Canadá), Isla del Príncipe Eduardo (Canadá), Manitoba (Canadá), Ontario (Canadá)

Listo para enviar en 3-5 рабочих дней desde Rusia


Politica de envios

I ship items within 3-5 buisiness days after payment via Russian post. Delivery time usually takes 25-60 days and depends on destination country. Please note that delivery times may increase during long holidays (Christmas, New Year, etc.). I am not responsible for delays caused by customs.
Los compradores son responsables de los derechos de aduana y los impuestos de importación que puedan aplicarse.
In case of loss of the parcel, please contact me to find a best solution for you.


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I do not accept returns, exchanges or cancellations of shipped orders. Please check all the details before placing your order.
Do not hesitate to ask any questions about the item.

Información adicional

Peso 0.03 kg
Dimensiones 17 × 14 × 0.5 cm

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