Blythe doll clothes, 1 new coral sweater, long sleeves dress

47.00 ~ 50.69 $

Vendido por: UlianaDolls

1 disponibles

Blythe doll clothes, Hand knitted coral sweater with long sleeves from UlianaDolls, Summer outfit with decor

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Blythe doll clothes, Hand knitted coral sweater from UlianaDolls, Long sleeves classic dress, summer blouse

I knit doll dress only from new high quality yarn

Care instruction

Wash in warm soapy water, let fly to dry

No doll or other accessory included


Envíos a los continentes: África, Norteamérica, Asia, Antártida, Oceanía, Europa, Sudamérica

Países de envío: Singapur, Estados Unidos (EEUU), Reino Unido (UK), porcelana, Vietnam, Chipre, Tailandia, Hong Kong, Corea del Sur, Israel, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Taiwán

Listo para enviar en 3-5 рабочих дней desde Rusia


Politica de envios

Attention! Processing time is the time during which the goods will be sent after purchase. Sending Russian Post. Russian Post does not deliver to some countries. To check if shipping is available to your country, please contact me on whatsapp before purchasing. My whatsapp number is listed in the store profile I am not responsible for delivery time. Delivery time is determined by many factors that are beyond my control.
Attention! All customs duties and taxes are paid by the buyer.


Politica de reembolso

I do not accept returns. Please read the product description carefully before you buy it.

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  • Название магазина: UlianaDolls
  • Продавец UlianaDolls
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