Baby rattle CROCHET PATTERN, ear bunny rattle crochet, baby teether

5.00 ~ 5.37 $

Vendido por: ThreeStrandsToys

9998 disponibles

Ear bunny baby teether.
This is digital product.
English pattern in pdf file.

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This amigurumi pattern of cute baby teether ring with bunny ears will be a great baby shower gift or birthday gift for the little ones in your life. 
The size is perfect for little hands and helps baby to develop sensory awareness the hardness of the wood and the softness of the wool. It will aid baby to develop it’s fine motor skills.

Babies will love to chew the wood and gnaw at the ears to soothe aching gums.

This pattern is fairly beginner friendly as most of the stitches are standard. You need to know how to chain, single crochet, half double crochet and double crochet. You should also know how to work in the round.

The pattern is written in standard US terms.

The template consists of:

  • PDF file with detailed instructions
  • 5 pages of a detailed description of the crochet process
  • 6 process photos The pattern does not contain crochet lessons; you should already have basic crochet skills! Difficulty Level: Easy (begginer) You can contact me if you have any questions about the pattern.

Finish size 5.5 inch

Ch -chain 
Sc-single crochet 
Slst-slip stitch 
Dec-invisible decrease


  • worsted Pink yarn
  • 2.5 mm crochet hook
  • Scissors
  • Stitch marker
  • A long tapestry needle
  • Wooden ring 2.1 inch

This pattern is a personal use only. 
Don’t copy, redistribute, resell or share this pattern or parts of this pattern. 
Don’t translate it to another languages.

Have nice shopping in my shop:)

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