Awesome gift interior toy teddy bear Mitya. Handmade artist collectible toy OOAK

Vendido por: PrettyTeddyTienda

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Mitya the Bear
Full height 26 cm, sitting 21 cm.
Made of mohair with a crash effect. Filler: sawdust, wood wool, mineral granulate, silicone filler.   Fastening of body parts with 5 cotter pins. The head and legs are movable. Glass eyes. The spout is molded by hand. The bear is tinted with oil paints.
An interior toy can be a great gift for yourself and your friends. And also create coziness in your home.


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Mitya the Bear
Full height 26 cm, sitting 21 cm.
Made of mohair with a crash effect. Filler: sawdust, wood wool, mineral granulate, silicone filler.   Fastening of body parts with 5 cotter pins. The head and legs are movable. Glass eyes. The spout is molded by hand. The bear is tinted with oil paints.
An interior toy can be a great gift for yourself and your friends. And also create coziness in your home.

Dry clean only, keep away from dust and direct sunlight.
Colors may vary slightly due to different monitor calibration.
The toy is not intended for children.



Envíos a los continentes: Asia, Europa, Norteamérica, Sudamérica

Listo para enviar en 1-3 рабочих дня


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Shipping worldwide for free
After full payment, the item will be shipped within 3 days.

Información adicional

Peso 480 kg
Dimensiones 17 × 9 × 26 cm

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