Digital download – PDF of a stuffed monster 4 toy sewing pattern. DIY tutorial for making the toy.

4.00 5.00  (-20%)~ 4.29 $

Verkauft durch: Tokmina Olga

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Hey there! I have a great pattern for making a cute monster out of fleece! These are seriously adorable toys – they have movable little paws and you can even put something in their mouths. The Creepy Cute Toy Monster is a unique sewing pattern that’s perfect for anyone who loves creating their own projects. It comes with easy-to-follow instructions, so even beginners can give it a try. Just download the PDF pattern and start making your own adorable monster today!
The finished project will be about 15-16 cm in size, and it’s so easy to make using my step-by-step instructions with photos. You’ll get a PDF file with over 80 detailed photos to help you through the process. What are you waiting for? Let’s get crafting!- The monster design is in JPG format, so you can print it and cut it out. The possibilities for creating toys out of these materials are endless!



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  • Name des Geschäfts: Tokmina Olga
  • Anbieter: Tokmina Olga
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Digital download - PDF of a stuffed monster 4 toy sewing pattern. DIY tutorial for making the toy.

4.00 5.00  (-20%)~ 4.29 $

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