OOAK Die Waldhexe

640.00 ~ 685.37 $

Auf Lager

A forest witch lives among dense forests and impenetrable swamps. The forest witch is a kind old woman. The forest witch will keep you company and give you a four-leaf clover. Great luck awaits you!

Missbrauch melden

The Forest Witch is a unique artistic doll of its kind. It is completely made by hand. Its height is about 16 inches (40 centimeters).
Her face and hands are sculpted from polymer clay, carefully painted by me with oil paint, acrylic and pastel crayons. Her hair is made of natural goat hair. The doll’s body is soft on a wire frame.
The doll is made with a lot of details with love and care. In her right hand is a four-leaf clover of good luck, and in her left hand she holds a staff. On the staff hangs a magic lantern, also made by me by hand.
The doll’s clothes are sewn from natural fabrics and artistically decorated. The hat and bag were made by me in the felting technique of wool from natural sheep wool.
The doll stands on a stand made of beech decorated by me in the craquelure technique. There is a soft pad on the bottom of the stand so as not to scratch your furniture.
All the materials used are environmentally safe and natural.
The Forest Witch doll will decorate your home, or serve as a good gift for your family and friends, it will be appreciated as a work of art. The doll is intended for decorative purposes and is not suitable for children’s play.
If you didn’t find exactly what you wanted, look at other dolls from my store.
Any other questions? I will be happy to answer them!

Versandfertig 3-5 Arbeitstage von Russland



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Non-refundable, but if you have any problems, please contact me



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