Little Darling doll set of 3 items Corduroy doll jacket, skirt, socks

49.00 ~ 52.47 $

Verkauft durch: JOYinTOY

2 vorrätig

Embroidered set of clothes for Little Darling doll 3 items.

This beautiful outfit is the perfect addition to your Little Darling doll wardrobe for spring day.


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Embroidered set of clothes for Little Darling doll 3 items.

The set includes:

– pleated skirt

– embroidered corduroy jacket with lining

– socks


• Doll is not sale.

• All possible customs tax upon arrival in destination country are buyer’s responsibility.

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Created in a pet-free and smoke-free home.

If you have questions please email me.

Schifffahrt Kontinente: Europa, Nordamerika, Asien, Afrika, Ozeanien, Antarktika, Südamerika

Versandländer: Deutschland, Niederlande, Frankreich, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA), Kanada, Japan, Australien

Versandfertig 3-5 Arbeitstage von Russland



Before you buy my product, please check the possibility of delivery from Russia to your country! If your country is not on the list, you can contact me in messages to clarify this information. Your package will be shipped within 3-5 business days. To do this, you must send me your postal address. After sending the parcel, I will send you the tracking number of the parcel.
The delivery time depends on your place of residence. From about 2-8 weeks.



My item is non-refundable! You can get your money back if within three months the status of your package does not change and you cannot receive it.



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  • Name des Geschäfts: JOYinTOY
  • Anbieter: JOYinTOY
  • 5.00-Bewertung von 2-Bewertungen

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Little Darling doll set of 3 items Corduroy doll jacket, skirt, socks

49.00 ~ 52.47 $

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