Fantasy Creature Art Doll Easter Egg Elephant

140.00 ~ 149.92 $

Verkauft durch: Fancy Creatures

1 vorrätig

This is collectible handmade art doll Easter Egg Elephant. A nice doll for a collection, interior or gift. This art doll is completely handmade. All parts of this doll hand-crafted by myself.

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Egg Elephant



This is collectible handmade art doll for a collection, interior or gift. This art doll is completely handmade. All parts of this doll hand-crafted by myself:

– Its Head and limbs made of air dry clay and painted of eco-friendly paints;

– All limbs and the head can move;

– Eyes made of glass;

– Its body made of High Quality German viscose;

– Its filler made of hollow fiber and minerals granulates;

– Size: 13 cm – 5,1 inch



– This Art Doll is not meant for play.

– Contains small parts.

– Keep away from direct sunlight and high humidity .

– Don’t wash



– Purchases are sent through the Russian Post.

– After departure, I will give you a tracking number.

– Approximate dates of 1-6 weeks (varies by country).


Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.

Thank you for looking! 🙂

Zusätzliche Information

Größe 13 cm



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  • Name des Geschäfts: Fancy Creatures
  • Anbieter: Fancy Creatures
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