Blythe doll custom with brown hair and cheek sculpting

350.00 ~ 375.01 $

Verkauft durch: MyBlytheForYou

1 vorrätig

Blythe doll custom 30 sm. Free shipping.


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Blythe doll custom ooak little girl with long brown hair, freckles and sculpted cheeks.

Her name is Zabava.

It will appeal to collectors of all ages.

No one else has such a doll.


Azone for the body, TBL.

Skinton white. Size 30 cm.

The cheeks have been sculpted. Neck joint installed. Ears have been replaced.

Changes facial features, nose, lips, cheeks and chin.

The makeup is made in 4 layers, securely fixed.

Replaced eyelashes and 4 pairs of eyes with realistic irises. Eyelid sleep mode and upward gaze.

The pull ring (switch lever mechanism) is handmade.


The doll will be sent to you in secure packaging.


Doll stand – as a gift.

All outfits shown in the photo are included in the price.

There may be some variations in color due to different monitor settings.

Schifffahrt Kontinente: Afrika, Asien, Europa, Nordamerika, Ozeanien, Südamerika

Versandländer: Österreich, Belgien, Spanien, Dominikanische Republik, Kanada, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA), Brasilien, Neuseeland

Versandfertig 1-3 Werktage von Russland



To any country in the world
You will receive a tracking number for the parcel.

Please note that some countries charge customs fees and taxes for goods imported into your country.
These fees are transferred to your government.



Keine Rückkehr

Zusätzliche Information

Gewicht 0.4 kg
Größe 12 × 12 × 30 cm



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  • Name des Geschäfts: MyBlytheForYou
  • Anbieter: MyBlytheForYou
  • Noch keine Bewertungen gefunden!

The doll cannot be exchanged or returned


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