African Violet Crochet Pattern,PDF Tutorial, ENGLISH

6.00 ~ 6.46 $

Verkauft durch: Häkelmuster

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African Violet Crochet Pattern,PDF Tutorial, Flower pattern,ENGLISH

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Crochet your own classic African Violets pot, at the size and color you desire, to use in your own home, or give as a gift to your loved one. Pattern includes instructions for 2 blossom sizes and 2 leaf sizes, in American Standard terms (Conversion to English terms included as well).

African Violets are the traditional windowsill decor, and are very popular in home decor. These blossoms are a popular choice as a gift for Mom, and a popular Valentine’s Day gift.

❀ Skill Level : Advanced Beginner

❀ Measurements:
Following the tutorial and using the recommended thread, you will get :
– ~1.2” (3cm) wide for small blossom, ~1.6” (4cm) for large.
– ~2.2” (5.5cm) long for large leaf, ~1.4” (3.5cm) long for small leaf.


  • Name des Geschäfts: Häkelmuster
  • Anbieter: Häkelmuster
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African Violet Crochet Pattern,PDF Tutorial, ENGLISH

6.00 ~ 6.46 $

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