Pattern of a plush toy hedgehog Teddy

13.00 ~ 13.92 $

所售: ZuevaAnnaTeddy


A step-by-step guide to sewing a hedgehog toy, a pattern for a hedgehog plush toy.


A complete step-by-step guide to sewing a hedgehog soft toy in PDF format. The size of the toy is 10 cm.

Master class contains

– toy pattern

– a list of all the necessary materials and tools

– a detailed photo and description of all stages of work from cutting to tinting.

This is an instant download file.

It is desirable to have experience in sewing Teddy toys (cutting, sewing, stuffing parts, inserting fasteners, assembling toys, making tightening, tinting.)

The pattern was made in a graphic program. The pattern is given without seam allowances.

I hope for your understanding: Distribution and sale of patterns, photos and any part of the description is prohibited.

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