Kangaroo and her Baby crochet pattern English pdf

5.70 ~ 6.10 $

所售: VasilyevaToys

库存 1000 件

This template is written in English using American terminology. It includes 39 pages of description on how to make a toy, about 186 step-by-step photos of the process and 3 videos.

Size of finished toys (excluding ears):
– mother Kangaroo 23 cm (9.05 inches);
– baby kangaroo 10 cm (3.94 inches).


Attention! Please note: The purchase of this item is for the digital crochet pattern in PDF format and not for the finished toy in the photos!


With this pattern you will create a stunning, cute and beautiful Kangaroo mother and her baby. Such toys are very useful for children during the period of acquaintance with animals, as well as shapes and sizes. The child will be interested in playing with the mother kangaroo and the baby, and putting him in his mother’s pocket.


Please note: this is only part of a large collection of toys from the “Mom and Her Baby” series. The rest of the animals will appear gradually in the store, be sure to stay tuned for updates.


This template is written in English using American terminology. It includes 39 pages of description on how to make a toy, about 186 step-by-step photos of the process and 3 videos.


Size of finished toys (excluding ears):

– mother Kangaroo 23 cm (9.05 inches);

– baby kangaroo 10 cm (3.94 inches).


The toy does not contain a wire frame inside. All bends in the legs and tails are made by crocheting.

Mother Kangaroo’s head is rotating (removable).


The process is not difficult, the main thing is to carefully follow the description and the result will definitely please you.


Skills level – intermediate




If you have questions or difficulties in crocheting, you can ask me and I will gladly help you!

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