Crochet pattern “Snakes”

6.00 ~ 6.43 $

所售: Derzhavinatoys


The MK provides a detailed description of knitting toys with step-by-step photos of the process, as well as a link to a video on tightening and full head design. A toy on a wire frame. Muzzle, lip and tongue get involved. The lining is sewn onto the body.
A description of knitting a panama hat and a hat is also included in the MK.


The MK provides a detailed description of knitting toys with step-by-step photos of the process, as well as a link to a video on tightening and full head design. A toy on a wire frame. Muzzle, lip and tongue get involved. The lining is sewn onto the body.

A description of knitting a panama hat and a hat is also included in the MK.

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  • Название магазина: Derzhavinatoys
  • Продавец Derzhavinatoys
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