Armchair for dolls 1/3, For dolls 60-75 cm

112.00 160.00  (-30%)~ 119.94 $

所售: 姆贝玛米


Armchair for dolls, light gray with blue specks, silk, 1/3 scale, made in the Rococo style.


Armchair for dolls, light gray with blue specks, silk, 1/3 scale, made in the Rococo style. Each model has its own flavor and image. Surely it will suit even modern doll models. For dolls 65 cm (60-70) This exclusive chair for dolls is made in a single copy. This is a handmade item! There are no exact repetitions. Each job has an individual approach. The chair was created based on original designs from Mebelmami. Upholstered in delicate silk. Total height 39.5 cm. Dimensions are given in the photo. Measure your dolls in a sitting position and compare them with the dimensions of the chair. The base of our furniture is made of solid wood and birch plywood. All parts are fastened with glue and screws. The chair for dolls is stable and strong. The doll does not tip over or fall. All furniture is covered with latex paints and acrylic varnish. All works of art are made in a single copy. And exact repetition is not possible. Sometimes ideas arise spontaneously, so there are no templates. We create our works with love and soul! We will be very happy if you buy our works! Our Instagram is Mebelmami.

航运大陆: 非洲, 亚洲, 欧洲, 北美洲, 大洋洲, 南美洲, 南极洲

航运国家: 白俄罗斯, 俄罗斯, 维尔京群岛(英属), 加拿大, 美国本土外小岛屿, 多哥

随时可以发货 1工作日 从 俄罗斯



To any country in the world.
The price of express delivery depends on the weight of the goods with packaging. The weight of the product is indicated in the product description. The weight of the package depends on the size of the item. For large items, packaging (without goods) weighs from 0.4 kg to 0.6 kg.

Delivery terms:
1. Normal delivery 30 to 90 days.
2. express delivery (air) from 10 to 20 days.

Dear buyers, when buying two or more large items, please contact the seller.
Happy shopping!



The buyer makes the return at his own expense.
Returns are valid within two days after receiving the parcel!


重量 3 公斤
尺寸 55 × 30 × 25 厘米

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  • Название магазина: 姆贝玛米
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112.00 160.00  (-30%)~ 119.94 $