Textile art doll white fluffy sheep in suit

75.00 €€85.00 €€ (-12%)~ 80.37 $

により販売されています: veramadzhar


Art doll “Herald” – handmade pendant textile art doll white fluffy sheep is made of cotton and plush by veramadzhar.

Art doll can sit. Eyes are made of polymer clay and glass. Herald wears beautiful multicolor plaid costume with handstitched decor.

Art doll is pendant with cord loop.

Size: 19*20 cm with ears



You will surely find here a perfect gift for your friends and family and amazing addition to your collection!

Collectible textile art dolls  with cotton body and polymer clay details.  They can perfectly sit on shelf. Every doll is made in a single copy and is designed with amazing suit.

Art doll “Herald” – handmade pendant textile art doll white fluffy sheep is made of cotton and plush by veramadzhar.

Art doll can sit. Eyes are made of polymer clay and glass. Herald wears beautiful multicolor plaid costume with handstitched decor.

Art doll is pendant with cord loop.

Size: 19*20 cm with ears



I draw your attention to the fact that VAT and custom duty are not included to items prices.

Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I’m not responsible for delays due to customs.

出荷大陸: アジア

出荷国: オーストリア, ベラルーシ, ブルガリア, ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ, イギリス (UK), ハンガリー, ドイツ, ギリシャ, デンマーク, スペイン, アイスランド, イタリア, リトアニア, オランダ, ノルウェー, ポーランド, ポルトガル, セルビア, スロバキア, スロベニア, トルコ, フランス, クロアチア, モンテネグロ, スイス, スウェーデン, エストニア, カナダ, メキシコ, アメリカ合衆国 (US), アルゼンチン, オーストラリア, ニュージーランド, アルメニア, ジョージア, モロッコ

Shipping States: アルバータ (カナダ), ノバスコシア (カナダ), ユーコン準州 (カナダ), ノースウェスト準州 (カナダ), サスカチュワン (カナダ), ニューファンドランド・ラブラドール (カナダ), ケベック (カナダ), ニューブランズウィック (カナダ), プリンスエドワードアイランド (カナダ), マニトバ (カナダ), オンタリオ (カナダ), ブリティッシュコロンビア (カナダ), ヌナブト (カナダ)

発送の準備ができました 1〜3営業日



1. Shipping is free to the all countries where I sell my artworks. I send packages via Russian Post.
2. VAT and custom duty are not included to items prices. Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs.
3. I don't send orders to countires that are closed to import of international packages due to COVID-19 restrictions.



1. I accept cancellations. Request a cancellation within 24 hours of purchase. Please pay attention that the cost will not be returned in full. Part of the cost will go to pay off the payment services.
2. I don't accept returns or exchanges. However if you received a damaged parcel, please inform me by e-mail and attach photos of the damage.

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  • 店舗名: veramadzhar
  • ベンダー: veramadzhar
  • 評価はまだ見つかりません!

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75.00 €€85.00 €€ (-12%)~ 80.37 $