Reborn doll Tutti by Natali Blick. Collectible doll handmade

1,090.00 €€~ 1,166.28 $

により販売されています: RebornDoll by OlgaPlotnikova


Reborn doll from limited kit Tutti by Natali Blick. My work. I use only original kits!


Reborn doll Tutti by Natali Blick. Limited original kit.

Height of this doll 22″, her weight about 3000 g.

I painted Tutti by means of professional paints Genesis. My painting is covered by the mediums for durability – MattVarnish and DewySkin.

Tutti has very beautiful grey eyes (Lausha glass), which gives her lively human appearance.

Doll’s hair is sewn from natural mohair – very soft and silky. Each hair is sewn separately from other to make the hairstyle more realistic. The hair is fixed with glue from inside the head.

Tutti has full limbs and soft body without joints. Inside the body there are glass granulate and synthetic fluff.

All clothing that you see on the photos will arrive together with the doll. Also you will get the COA by Natali Blick, the certificate of birth from me, magnetic pacifier.

出荷大陸: 南極, 南アメリカ, アフリカ, 北アメリカ, アジア, オセアニア, ヨーロッパ

出荷国: オーストリア, アルバニア, ベラルーシ, ベルギー, ブルガリア, ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ, イギリス (UK), ハンガリー, ドイツ, ギリシャ, デンマーク, スペイン, アイルランド, アイスランド, イタリア, ラトビア, リトアニア, リヒテンシュタイン, ルクセンブルク, モルドバ, オランダ, ノルウェー, ポーランド, ポルトガル, ロシア, ルーマニア, セルビア, スロバキア, スロベニア, トルコ, フィンランド, フランス, クロアチア, モンテネグロ, チェコ共和国, スイス, スウェーデン, エストニア, カナダ, アメリカ合衆国 (US), アルゼンチン, アルメニア, アゼルバイジャン, 中国, ジョージア, 日本, カザフスタン, モンゴル, タジキスタン, トルクメニスタン, アラブ首長国連邦, ウズベキスタン

発送の準備ができました 3〜5営業日 から ロシア



I use the services of the Russian Post or Boxberry for sending my parcels.
Now, in the modern world the delivery can take quite long period of time (in the worst case it can reach 90 days or more). You should understand that the delivery time doesn't depend from me, but it depends on the workload of postal services and logistics routes. You need to be patient and the parcel will definitely reach to you! In 10 years of my work not a single one of my shipments has been lost yet. For my part I guarantee safe and reliable packaging of dolls.
Please, don't make a purchase if you aren't ready to wait!
It's quite possible that you will be lucky and you will receive your purchase quickly)



I don't accept refunds. Carefully consider the photos before buying.




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Reborn doll Tutti by Natali Blick. Collectible doll handmade

1,090.00 €€~ 1,166.28 $