Doll hair color coral

7.50 22.50 ~ 8.03 $ - 24.08 $

により販売されています: カルマン・ドール


Doll hair KARMANDOLLS in Angora goat buns. Great for reborn baby doll hair. Length and structure to choose from. Worldwide shipping!



Doll hair KARMANDOLLS in Angora goat buns. Color coral. Length and structure to choose from. Worldwide shipping.

You get a completely finished product: doll hair is soft and shiny, washed, combed, dyed and smell good. You can immediately use them in your work.

Our mohair is great for reborn DIY baby doll, reborn mohair rooting, doll wigs, textile dolls, Waldorf dolls and more.

The price in our store is for 10 grams of doll hair (approximately 0.35 oz). The photo shows approximately 30-40 grams of hair.

All colors in our store are always available for doll hair length 15-20 cm. Long hair is made to order. The production time of the order depends on the number of orders in the queue and ranges 1 – 4 weeks.

Delivery is carried out to all countries by DHL, Russian Post and EMC.

When placing an order, you can choose the desired delivery method.

We work with retail and wholesale buyers, shops and factories.

You can also choose other doll hair colors in our store at the link

出荷大陸: アフリカ, アジア, ヨーロッパ, 北アメリカ, オセアニア, 南アメリカ

出荷国: エストニア, マルタ, スイス, リヒテンシュタイン, サンマリノ, ギリシャ, ポルトガル, デンマーク, モルドバ, クロアチア, スウェーデン, オーストリア, アイルランド, リトアニア, バチカン, ブルガリア, ドイツ, モナコ, ジャージー島, フランス, モンテネグロ, ジブラルタル, ノルウェー, セルビア, アルバニア, イタリア, ルクセンブルク, スロバキア, ベルギー, チェコ共和国, ラトビア, トルコ, スペイン, 北マケドニア, マン島, イギリス (UK), オランダ, ルーマニア, アンドラ, ハンガリー, アイスランド, スロベニア, ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ, ポーランド, フィンランド, カナダ, アメリカ合衆国 (US), アルゼンチン, ブラジル, チリ, オーストラリア, ニュージーランド, インド, インドネシア, イスラエル, 日本, アラブ首長国連邦, ベトナム

発送の準備ができました 1〜2週間 から ロシア



Delivery is carried out to all countries by Russian Post, EMS and DHL transport company.
You can choose your preferred shipping method when placing an order.



You know that we have always provided a 100% money back guarantee for the product if you did not like it or did not like it. We are proud to provide our customers with a 100% return or exchange guarantee.

But at the moment, the DHL mail, through which we deliver, works in Russia only for export. For imports to Russia, DHL does not work completely. As such, we currently do not provide a return or exchange guarantee. Not because we don't want to, but because we can't provide it.

Therefore, when making a purchase in our store, you must understand that you will need to receive your package and pay all customs fees. Otherwise, the parcel will be stored in the DHL warehouse for some time, and then it will be destroyed as unclaimed. DHL will not be able to return it to us and we will not be able to refund you for it. We ask you to carefully consider this situation and weigh everything when making a purchase.

We really hope for your understanding in this matter.

Please note that when making a purchase on this marketplace, we do not charge you the customs duties of your countries. You will need to pay for them upon receipt of the parcel yourself. We are not responsible for your country's customs duties. Thanks for understanding:)


重さ 0.012 kg
サイズ 20 × 5 × 2 cm

6"-8" (15-20 cm), 8"-8,8" (20-22 cm), 8,8"-10" (22-25 cm), 10"-10,8" (25-27 cm), 10,8"-12" (27-30 cm)


Does not matter, Straight doll hair, Curly doll hair

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  • 店舗名: カルマン・ドール
  • ベンダー: カルマン・ドール
  • 5.00 rating from 3 reviews

You know that we have always provided a 100% money back guarantee for the product if you did not like it or did not like it. We are proud to provide our customers with a 100% return or exchange guarantee.


But at the moment, the DHL mail, through which we deliver, works in Russia only for export. For imports to Russia, DHL does not work completely. As such, we currently do not provide a return or exchange guarantee. Not because we don’t want to, but because we can’t provide it.


Therefore, when making a purchase in our store, you must understand that you will need to receive your package and pay all customs fees. Otherwise, the parcel will be stored in the DHL warehouse for some time, and then it will be destroyed as unclaimed. DHL will not be able to return it to us and we will not be able to refund you for it. We ask you to carefully consider this situation and weigh everything when making a purchase.


We really hope for your understanding in this matter.


Please note that when making a purchase on this marketplace, we do not charge you the customs duties of your countries. You will need to pay for them upon receipt of the parcel yourself. We are not responsible for your country’s customs duties. Thanks for understanding:)


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