TUTORIAL Miniature Halloween pumpkins with polymer clay

6.16 11.85  (-48%)~ 6.61 $

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In this tutorial I’ll show you how to easily create hollow Halloween pumpkins using polymer clay. You’ll learn how to create the shape of a pumpkin, as well as how to add detail and texture. I’ll also share tips for painting and decorating your miniature pumpkins to make them look as realistic as possible. This tutorial is perfect for Halloween lovers and those who want to create unique decorative items for their home or gifts. Follow my step-by-step instructions and create your own miniature Halloween pumpkins!


– 1 PDF file with description of materials and text in English

– 2 JPG files duplicating information from PDF in case this format doesn’t work for you.

– A link to a video tutorial with a duration of 9:19 minutes (ENG sub).

Segnala abuso

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to easily create hollow Halloween pumpkins using polymer clay. You’ll learn how to create the shape of a pumpkin, as well as how to add detail and texture. I’ll also share tips for painting and decorating your miniature pumpkins to make them look as realistic as possible. This tutorial is perfect for Halloween lovers and those who want to create unique decorative items for their home or gifts. Follow my step-by-step instructions and create your own miniature Halloween pumpkins!


– 1 PDF file with description of materials and text in English

– 2 JPG files duplicating information from PDF in case this format doesn’t work for you.

– A link to a video tutorial with a duration of 9:19 minutes (ENG sub).

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6.16 11.85  (-48%)~ 6.61 $

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