Panda crochet toy pattern, PDF tutorial in English

1.20 ~ 1.29 $

Venduto da: LittleToysWorld

In magazzino

You can easily crochet this toy if you know the basic stitches and methods used to create an amigurumi toy. The final size will depend on the yarn you use.

Segnala abuso

It’s a simple pattern, there are no photos of the crocheting process, only photos of the finished toy. Written description of all the details and assembly.

You can easily crochet this toy if you know the basic stitches and methods used to create an amigurumi toy. The final size will depend on the yarn you use.



Yarn Iris (25 g/150 m, mercerized cotton – 100%)

You can use any yarn you have.

Crochet hook – size 1,25 mm

(or any other crochet hook suitable for the thickness of your yarn and your crocheting density).

Toy filler.

Tool for stuffing

Needles for sewing (tapestry with blunt end).


Pins for marking the rows. You can use a contrasting thread.

Eyes. I use round stem eyes, size 3 mm. Can be replaced with little buttons.

Oil or dry pastels for toning. Brushes.


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