Outfit for dolls Paola Reina, unique outfit

55.00 ~ 59.08 $


Outfit for Paola Reina, for Doll 13″

Segnala abuso

Provence style set. Sewn from delicate quality cotton in blue and pink colors.

The set includes:

1. Dress with a double-layer skirt. The lower skirt supports the shape of the main skirt, decorated with a ruffle with lace. The upper skirt is sewn from matching flaps with floral coloring in blue and pink tones. The basque is decorated with a narrow ruffle, passing into wings. The back is open with lacing on a silk ribbon.

2. The straw hat is decorated with fancy piping.

3. The handbag is made of white cotton yarn.

Attention: Doll, shoes and wig are not included!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this outfit. Non-returnable. I am happy to provide additional photos at your request.

Check with me before purchasing to see if I can ship to your country. Thank you!



Spedizione dei continenti: Africa, Nord America, Asia, Antartide, Oceania, Europa, Sud America

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  • Nome del negozio: PollyAnna's Guardaroba
  • Venditore: PollyAnna's Guardaroba
  • Nessuna valutazione ancora trovata!

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Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this outfit. Non-returnable. I am happy to provide additional photos at your request.



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