Interior Textile Doll: Anne of Green Roofs

150.00 ~ 160.74 $

Venduto da: Dolls for the soul

In magazzino

The doll is made in the technique of sculptural textiles. It has 9 hinged fasteners. Height 46 cm, 18″.

Segnala abuso

Interior Textile Doll. The doll is based on the novel by Lucy Montgomery “Anne of Green Roofs.” The doll is made in the technique of sculptural textiles. It has 9 hinged fasteners. She sits well by herself, stands with the help of a stand.

Painted with dry pastels and acrylic paints, everything is fixed with a fixative.

Clothing made of calico and cotton.

Hair from goat curls.

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  • Nome del negozio: Dolls for the soul
  • Venditore: Dolls for the soul
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