Funny Bunny. Rabbit

120.00 ~ 128.58 $

Venduto da: Funny Bunny

In magazzino

* Full height 15 cm, with ears – 23
*Made of high quality fluffy faux fur

Segnala abuso

Rabbit. Bunny


* Full height 15 cm, with ears – 23

*Made of high quality fluffy faux fur

* Ears bend due to wire

* Filled with silicone granulate and juniper chips.

* He cannot stand alone without assistance.

* He has eyes made of high-quality Austrian glass

* The rabbit can turn its head and paws. Paws and head are movable thanks to splints and discs.

* The rabbit has a hooded jacket, the embroidery is made by hand.


I hope you will love this baby as much as I love him.


Politica di spedizione

All toys are made in a non-smoking house. I accept payments via Pay Pal. If you buy 2 or more toys, I do free shipping.

Delivery of "Mail of Russia"
Term of receiving the package takes 15-60 days depending on the country and customs clearance.


Politica di rimborso

I hope you like the toy, because I don't accept refunds

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Informazioni sul venditore

  • Nome del negozio: Funny Bunny
  • Venditore: Funny Bunny
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