Easter decor/Christmas decoration/Tilda rabbits handmad

139.00 169.00  (-18%)~ 148.95 $

Venduto da: allatoyshop

In magazzino

Spedizione gratuita
Family couple of Handmade Tilda rabbits
Everything completely handmade Made in 1 copy
Size near 28 and 30 cm/ 11″ and 11,8 inc
Price for 2 rabbits

Segnala abuso

To create this rabbits safe and high quality materials – linen, cotton lace, calico.

The rabbits interior decoration, not for children’s games

Care – don’t wash with water

Color may vary on your monitor

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Pronto per la spedizione 3-5 giorni lavorativi da Bielorussia


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  • Nome del negozio: allatoyshop
  • Venditore: allatoyshop
  • Nessuna valutazione ancora trovata!

Attention! Items cannot be returned or exchanged, please make your purchase consciously. If you need more information, photos and have questions. I’m open to discussion

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139.00 169.00  (-18%)~ 148.95 $

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