Cannabis wall hanging crochet pattern. DIY wall hanging tutorial. Cannabis decor

4.50 ~ 4.82 $

Venduto da: Rizhik_toys

1000 disponibili

Cannabis Crochet wall hanging pattern

Tropical leaf hemp wall panel decor crochet pattern PDF

DIY boho crochet home decor

Segnala abuso

Crochet wall hanging marijuana pattern

PLEASE NOTE! That this is just a template, not a finished project!


This sample is written in English (US terminology).

Only basic crocheting skills will be needed to make this pattern: chain, single crochet, increasing and decreasing, slip stitch.

The PDF file includes 9 pages of images in terms of crochet US.



Yarn Alize Cotton gold (330 m / 100 g)

2 skeins of gray yarn

2 skeins of green yarn.

I am crochet in 2 strands, so I use two skeins. You can take one thread from the top of the skein and pull the other thread from the middle of the skein.

Hook number 3 (or suitable for you in size)

Tying stick



The finished size of the panel is 10*10 inches


You will need Adobe Reader to open this Pattern. The program can be downloaded for Free at


**Please do not copy or redistribute this pattern or claim it as your own. YOU MAY SELL YOUR FINISHED ITEMS IF YOU LIKE. Thanks!**

If you have any question about this pattern, please feel free to contact me! Thanks and happy crocheting!

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  • Nome del negozio: Rizhik_toys
  • Venditore: Rizhik_toys
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Cannabis wall hanging crochet pattern. DIY wall hanging tutorial. Cannabis decor

4.50 ~ 4.82 $

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