PDF tutorial Face painting for textile doll

10.00 ~ 10.71 $

Sold By: Rockanddoll

921 en stock

A detailed guide to painting the faces of a textile doll. Several variants of the bearded man’s face, the faces of girls.

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Step by step, we will show you the whole process – we will tell you what materials we have been using for many years; how to simplify work with a paper stencil; how to fix a drawing; how to stylize a real person’s face to create a portrait doll. 

Bonus: at the end of the file, we added a page with ready-drawn faces. Print them out on special thermal transfer paper and glue them to the fabric – you will only have to finish the doll’s outfit by inventing a hairstyle and clothes. 

The master class is available via the link that you will receive after payment – access is not limited in time.

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PDF tutorial Face painting for textile doll

10.00 ~ 10.71 $

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