Video tutorial Dollhouse bendy dolls part 2 Sheathing the doll base

45.00 ~ 48.17 $

Verkauft durch: Kind Lovely Toys

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In this part of the video tutorial, you will learn how to
sheathe the bases of bendy dolls of any size.

After that, they themselves will be able to stand, and
at the same time take various postures!

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By purchasing part 2 of the tutorial, you will get a 6-page pdf file with a short description, which

contains links to 3 YouTube videos with a total duration of about 2 hours.

You will also get a pdf file for printing patterns of shoes for dolls.

In part 2 of the video tutorial “Dollhouse bendy dolls”, you will learn how to sheathe the bases of

bendy dolls of any size.

After that, they themselves will be able to stand, and at the same time take various postures.

How to create the base of the bendy doll is shown in part 1 of the video tutorial “Dollhouse bendy


This video tutorial does not contain ready-made patterns for sheathing dolls (except shoe patterns

for dolls of standard sizes), but contains video instructions on the correct construction of patterns for any figures.

Also, the video shows in detail the process of sewing a cut on a doll’s blank.

Also, the video tutorial contains a description of the materials used and shoe patterns for dolls of

standard sizes.



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  • Name des Geschäfts: Kind Lovely Toys
  • Anbieter: Kind Lovely Toys
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Dollhouse doll making

Video tutorial Dollhouse bendy dolls part 2 Sheathing the doll base

45.00 ~ 48.17 $

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