Video tutorial Dollhouse bendy dolls Part 1 Creation of the bendy doll base

45.00 ~ 48.15 $

Verkauft durch: Kind Lovely Toys

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With this guide you can make the bases for a bendy dolls for a dollhouse of different sizes!
You will get a new experience of creating dolls that can take different poses and have harmonious body proportions!

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This is the first part of dollhouse bendy doll making video tutorial that shows you how to make a bendy doll base.

With this guide – you can make the basis for frame dolls for a dollhouse of standard sizes – you will learn how to make 4 types of figure: male, female, child and baby – you will get a new experience of creating dolls that can take different poses, have harmonious body proportions – with the correct further sheathing of the base with doll jersey, which you can learn from part 2 “Sheathing the doll base” , dolls will be able to stand independently and keep balance in various poses.

Bendy dolls for a dollhouse give a lot of opportunities for creativity and play!

Children love to play with such dolls, and their parents – to sew and knit clothes for them, enjoying their design skills. Another bonus of bendy dolls without clothes is the opportunity to interest your children in needlework!

These are happy moments spent with your children at a common cause – creative work, an opportunity to teach them needlework, using a play reason – the need to dress the little inhabitants of the doll house!

You will get a PDF file, which will contain short description on 14 pages and links to 7 detailed videos from 4 to 28 min.

In the first part of the video tutorial you will learn:

1) what wire to use for the frame and how to prepare it;

2) how to maintain the harmonious proportions of the doll and determine the amount of wire for it

3) how to make a head for a bendy doll

4) how to shape the figure of a man, woman, child and baby

To make the base of a frame doll, we need a sliver, a felting needle, a felting mat or a sponge, wire, strong white threads, a needle, ruler and scissors. This is a guide for making a base of dolls from scratch, you can use this guide to make dolls of different sizes to suit your needs.



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  • Name des Geschäfts: Kind Lovely Toys
  • Anbieter: Kind Lovely Toys
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Video tutorial Dollhouse bendy dolls Part 1 Creation of the bendy doll base

45.00 ~ 48.15 $

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