Videokurs „Toothy Mouth“

30.00 ~ 31.97 $

Verkauft durch: IlonaFerretToys

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Digital (downloadable) item.
I bring to your attention a step-by-step video course on creating an opening mouth and teeth.

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I bring to your attention a step-by-step video course on creating an opening mouth and teeth.
The video course contains detailed subtitles in English.

In it, I showed in detail how I make teeth for my toys. Starting from the creation of the model and the pattern and ending with the installation of the jaw in the head.

Using the algorithms shown in the tutorial, you can independently create neat, movable jaws for any animal

The mk includes:
– 18 video lessons (13GB);
– the layout of the teeth;
– a diagram of the structure of the jaws;
– a list of clickable links to materials and tools.



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  • Name des Geschäfts: IlonaFerretToys
  • Anbieter: IlonaFerretToys
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