Tutorial. Knitted dress for Ruby Red 37 cm

5.00 ~ 5.35 $

Verkauft durch: KnitEVika

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Dress knitted from the bottom up.

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Difficulty: medium. Tutorial contains a detailed description of all stages of knitting. But does not explain the technique of knitting. So you need to have the following skills: knit 2 stitches together with a slope to the right and with a slope to the left, know how to yarn over, have an idea of what a hollow gum is, be able to read and knit according to the patterns (explanations and symbols for the patterns are given)!

Yarn: wool, wool mixture 700 – 800 m / 100 g (1400 m / 100 g in 2 additions, 2400 m / 100 g in 3 additions). Fine yarn in bobbins is best suited. But it can be replaced with analogs of yarn in skeins of the same, for example, Alize “Lanagold 800” (800 m / 100 g)

Other materials: button 0.8 cm.
Knitting needles: 2.5 mm (double pointed needles, 3 pcs.)
Other tools: blunt-ended needle, ruler, crochet hook, scissors.

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Tutorial is available in English and Russian



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