Small snowman knitting pattern, Knit snowman pattern in English

3.50 ~ 3.73 $

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Knit snowman pattern. Snowman knitting pattern, Small doll knitting pattern, Mini knitting pattern, Christmas knitting pattern, Christmas knits, CuteToys

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The body of this little snowman and his hat are knitted in circle on double pointed needles. There are photos how to make it.

Also there is text instruction how to knit it on 2 straight needles (no photos for this method).

The pattern describes 3 options for how to make a nose.

To make this pattern, you need:

* White, red, green, orange yarn (I used wool blend yarn, 400m/100g). When using this yarn, the height of the toy is 14 cm (5 1/2 inches);

* Some black yarn to emroider;

* 2 black beads to make eyes;

* Knitting needles 3 mm;

* Hollow fiber stuffing;

*Sequins or other decor;

* Sewing needle;

*Ready-made pompom;

* Scissors.

Abbreviated terms used:

K – knit

M1 – make a stitch by lifting strand between stitches from front and knit in back of strand

P – purl

st – stitch

K2tog – knit 2 stitches together

P2tog – purl 2 stitches together

sl1pw – slip one purlwise

RS – right side

WS – wrong side


This pattern is at an easy/intermediate level. Previous knitting experience is recommended. You need to know how to knit the stockinette stitch, the garter stitch, 1×1 ribbing.

Pattern includes detailed instruction in English and color photos of the work-in-progress and finished product to help guide you along.

This pattern is a work of authorship. Designed exclusively for your personal use. It is forbidden to transmit, forward to other people, publish, any other distribution. Please don’t sell or redistribute ANY copies of this pattern VIA EMAIL OR PRINTED or in any other form. Finished products made may be sold, but please credit my pattern and link back to my shop.

Feel free to message me with any questions! Let me know if something is not clear to you, I will try to help you. Please contact me if you have any problems with your order.

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Knit snowman pattern, Snowman knitting pattern, Christmas knit pattern, Christmas knitting pattern

Small snowman knitting pattern, Knit snowman pattern in English

3.50 ~ 3.73 $

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