Shasta Daisy Crochet Pattern,PDF Tutorial, Flower

6.00 ~ 6.42 $

Verkauft durch: Häkelmuster

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Shasta Daisy Crochet Pattern,PDF Tutorial, Flower pattern,ENGLISH

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This is Pattern & Instructions are on how to crochet this item, this is not a finished product.
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Inside you’ll find a pattern diagram, instructions in American Standard Terms (written in English), and a step-by-step guide with photos (300dpi) that will show you how to crochet the ever-popular ever-lovely Shasta Daisy flower.

This very popular blossom will freshen any table or windowsill, and is a wonderful supporting piece for arrangements and bouquets.

The Daisy is a blossom packed with positive meanings and symbolism – from innocence to cheerfulness, This April Birth flower is bound to put a smile on anyone’s face, and is a great gift flower.

This ebook includes patterns for open and closed Daisies, and will allow you to make plenty daisies and various sizes. Enjoy!

❀ Skill Level : Advanced Beginner

❀ Measurements:
(Following the tutorial and using the recommended thread)
– ~3.3” (~8-9 cm) in diameter.


  • Name des Geschäfts: Häkelmuster
  • Anbieter: Häkelmuster
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Shasta Daisy Crochet Pattern,PDF Tutorial, Flower

6.00 ~ 6.42 $

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