Set shoes and headband for Little Darling Dianna Effner doll

40.00 ~ 42.82 $

Verkauft durch: Pretty Shoes

Beautiful set for Little Darling Dianna Effner doll.
Designer shoes and headband are made entirely of genuine leather. The set is decorated with flowers and beads.


Missbrauch melden

Here you can order beautiful set for Little Darling Dianna Effner doll. There are 63 colors to choose from. In the photo, the set is in color #36.

Handmade shoes and headband made by me. Set of excellent quality. The shoes sit perfectly on the legs of the dolls.
Little Darling Puppe shoes and headband made of genuine leather or suede.

The sole is completely leather.
The set are made entirely by hand, without the use of machinery.

length: about 1,8 inch (4,5 cm)
width: about 0,7 inch (1,9 cm)

Processing time:
The order execution period is 1-2 weeks.

Shipping €9

Schifffahrt Kontinente: Afrika, Asien, Europa, Nordamerika, Ozeanien, Südamerika

Versandfertig 1-2 Wochen



Worldwide shipping, except Poland and Finland.
Postal services of all countries do not guarantee delivery times. Possibly delivery timesup to 2-4 months.
North America: 1-4 months
Europe: 1-3 months
Canada: 1-4 months
Australia and New Zealand: 2-4 months
Latin America: 2-4 months
Asia Pacific, North Africa and Middle East: 2-4 months



There is no return.


  • Name des Geschäfts: Pretty Shoes
  • Anbieter: Pretty Shoes
  • 5.00-Bewertung von 5-Bewertungen

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Set shoes and headband for Little Darling Dianna Effner doll

40.00 ~ 42.82 $

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