Calla Lily Crochet Pattern,PDF Tutorial, Flower pattern,ENGLISH

7.00 10.00  (-30%)~ 7.46 $

Verkauft durch: Häkelmuster

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Calla Lily  Crochet Pattern,PDF Tutorial, Flower pattern,ENGLISH

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In here you’ll find a crochet pattern for Calla Lilies (aka Arum Lily). These elegant beauties are one of the most popular flowers for wedding bouquets and are an ideal flower for home decor and arrangements.

This crochet flower pattern includes pattern diagrams, instructions in English language (in American standard terms) and detailed step by step photo guides that will show you how to crochet and assemble this flower.

❀ Finished size: Following the instructions with the recommended material, you’ll get a ~3.5inch/9cm high and ~4inch/10cm wide (depends on how you assemble and shape it) single blossom.

❀ Skill Level: Experienced

⋅⋅⋅⋅ ♥♥♥ ⋅⋅⋅⋅

❀ Included in the crochet pattern:
1. Diagrams of all elements that make this crochet Calla Lily flower.

  1. Instructions in American Standard Terms for all included pattern Diagrams.

  2. Detailed photo tutorials for the elements and flower assembly.


  • Name des Geschäfts: Häkelmuster
  • Anbieter: Häkelmuster
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Calla Lily Crochet Pattern,PDF Tutorial, Flower pattern,ENGLISH

7.00 10.00  (-30%)~ 7.46 $

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