Rag Doll SEWING PATTERN – Cloth doll Pattern – Fabric Doll

5.50 ~ 5.88 $

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RAG DOLLL SEWING PATTERN & TUTORIAL PDF. Easy sewing project for beginners. Learn how to sew your own cloth doll DIY

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This rag doll sewing pattern in pdf format will help you create rag doll Mila. Do it yourself. She is cute, created for hugs and decorate the kid’s room interior.


Rag doll Mila 12.5 inches (32 cm) tall when she is created.

Skill Level: Advanced.

Fabric used: cotton for body, arm, legs, fleece for hair, buttons.

This sewing pattern has 12 pages

Liste der Materialien

1 page with full-size patterns

48 photos step by step tutorial

Englische Sprache


It is a pdf file that you can print out yourself. After payment you will be able to download the files immediately.

Pattern on A4 format.


Also, you GET A FREE BONUS!!!!! Guide to sewing fleece toys – collection of secrets and tips for creating toys – from cutting to stuffing of a toy, filling needed and face embroidery. The guide contains useful information on sewing toys, which will help even a beginner to create his first fleece toy.


Rag doll Mila has been designed by me, Julia Aleshkina and so is the pattern and tutorial.


This pattern and tutorial are for personal use only. You are allowed to sell the plushies that you made yourself in limited/small quantities, please credit my shop on the label/cards. You are, however, not allowed to reproduce the pattern & instructions in part or in full or in any other form to sell or distribute.


Urheberrecht © 2022 Aleshkina Julia ALTOYSDIY



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Rag Doll SEWING PATTERN - Cloth doll Pattern - Fabric Doll

5.50 ~ 5.88 $

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