PDF instruction “Classic beret for dolls” wet felting.

8.00 ~ 8.56 $

Verkauft durch: Funny Bunny Company

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Step-by-step guide to making a felt beret for a doll with your own hands. PDF instruction “Classic beret for dolls” wet felting. Course for felting accessories for dolls. Step by step tutorial felting doll headdress

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 This is a TUTORIAL for making a classic felt beret for Blythe doll.  You can also adjust a pattern for a different size (for another dolls or for children). This step by step tutorial uitable for beginners felt maker!

 To complete this project you will need:

Merino wool in tops

A bowl of warm soapy water & bar of soap

Bubble wrap

Scissors, towel, disposable gloves, net fabric

Rolling Pin

 The tutorial covers every aspect: choosing materials, wool layout, decor, felting and finishing processes. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.

Please Note: These instructions are for personal use only and cannot be reproduced, sold or used in any way . However, you can sell (except on etsy.com) the items is you make with my tutorial .

 Have a nice wet felting😊❤❤❤!



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  • Name des Geschäfts: Funny Bunny Company
  • Anbieter: Funny Bunny Company
  • 5.00-Bewertung von 2-Bewertungen

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8.00 ~ 8.56 $

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