Pattern Crochet Sport Backpack for a Doll

4.00 ~ 4.28 $

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Please note that this is a crochet pattern (PDF file), but not a toy.

The file will be available for download immediately after purchase. This crochet pattern contains a detailed description of how to create Crochet Sport Backpack for a Doll, with a great amount of step-by-step photos and a list of necessary materials.

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·         22 pages long and has 59 pictures to help you by working.

·         a .pdf file with detailed instructions

  • Instant digital download – ready to download immediately after the payment. You will see the download link in details of your order.



Size: height – 5 cm, width – 3,5 cm.


Level: Intermediate. Basic skills of crocheting are needed.



Sie benötigen:

Grau color № 414 «COTON PERLE 8» Madame Tricote Paris (10 grams – 80 m, 100% cotton) or color № 2124 «IRIS» VITA Cotton (20 grams – 125 m, 100% cotton);

Black №1 color № 2102 «IRIS» VITA Cotton (20 grams – 125 m, 100% cotton);

Weiß color № 2101 «IRIS» VITA Cotton (20 grams – 125 m, 100% cotton);

Black №2 color № 9999 «Canarias» YarnArt (20 grams – 203 m, 100% cotton);

Hook: 1.00 mm and 0.75mm (or in accordance with the yarn you use)

Fiberfill for stuffing


ACHTUNG! Please note that once you downloaded PDF file, any refund is impossible.

© COPYRIGHT All Venelopa’TOYS patterns are protected by international copyright laws and are intended for personal use only. All rights reserved. It is prohibited to distribute instructions on paper or electronically (you may not sell or share the patterns, do not post them on the Internet, or translate them into other languages). You may sell any item made personally by you according to this pattern. If you have any questions about this pattern, please feel free to contact me! Thanks and enjoy!

If you have any problems following the pattern, please feel free to contact me.



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