Paola Reina 34cm pattern Knitted blouse and Trousers PDF

6.00 ~ 6.42 $

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Paola Reina 34cm pattern Knitted blouse and Trousers PDF

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👌🏻 Knitted blouse (longsleeve – I don’t like these names, so everything is simple) and trousers with elastic, such as young people love!

✂The blouse is sewn from a cooler: the neckline is finished with an oblique trim, a patch pocket and slits along the side seams. A clasp on the back with buttons with a ring of 7.8 cm.

✂The trousers are made of bologna fabric: on the bottom and top there is a drawstring with a built-in elastic band.

Pattern without seam allowances!!!

📹 The blouse is sewn similarly to “How to sew a turtleneck for a Gotz doll 50 cm + pattern“, only the neckline is processed with an oblique trim

📹How to process the neckline with an oblique trim, you can watch the video from MK “How to sew a beautiful dress for a Baby doll 45 cm from Paola Reina part 1

📹The trousers are sewn in the same way as “How to sew a beautiful costume for a Carmen Gonzalez doll Pants“, only the side seam is sewn and sewn off. Drawstrings on bottom and top of trousers.




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  • Anbieter: Mashenka
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Paola Reina 34cm pattern Knitted blouse and Trousers

Paola Reina 34cm pattern Knitted blouse and Trousers PDF

6.00 ~ 6.42 $

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