Miniature teddy bear panda pattern, joint teddy bear 9 cm

10.00 ~ 10.66 $


105 vorrätig

MY BEAR STORY – teddy bear patterns by designer Ludmila Plotnitskaya.

Miniatur-Panda-Teddybär-Muster (9 cm)

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Miniature sewing panda pattern for making a teddy bear stuffed animal doll – designed by Ludmila Plotnitskaya. An easy digital instant download that you can print at home.

The panda is 3.5 inches tall. The teddy pattern you can use to create your own teddies for sale.

Please note that my author’s patterns itself are not for commercial use. You cannot use my patterns for sale or for other purposes on Internet. Thank you for understanding!

This PDF Pattern includes ONLY clear pattern drawing, details layout on material, material list and short instruction (but this is not a step-by-step tutorial)

Sie müssen etwas Erfahrung in der Herstellung von Teddybären haben.

This is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD PDF Pattern.

List of materials you need to create the teddy (you will also get this list in your pattern)

• Sassy long pile fabric dark color (piece size 3.15×5.91inch)
• Sassy long pile fabric white color (piece size 3.15×4.72inch)
• Ultrasuede (small piece)
• Glass Eyes black 3 mm.
• Miniature fibre discs 6 mm. – 6 pcs (for arms and head)., 8-9 mm. – 4 pcs(for legs) .
• T-shaped cotterpins 15 mm. – 5 pcs
• Washers 6-8 mm. – 10 pcs .
• Stuffing materials – excelsior, steel pellets, sand.

I wish you very pleasant time creating the teddy panda!



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Miniature teddy bear panda pattern, joint teddy bear 9 cm

10.00 ~ 10.66 $

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