Miniature chihuahua figurine 1.18 inch, tiny crochet toy.

52.00 ~ 55.41 $

Verkauft durch: Bonbon-Therapie

1 vorrätig

Miniature chihuahua figurine has 5 points thread jointed.


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Tiny figurine chihuahua crocheted from hypoallergenic yarn in a smoke-free and pet-free indoors.  The toy is 3cm ( 1.18′ ) sitting and fully thread jointed. The head and paws are mobile.

Filling: hollow fiber.

Miniatur ist nicht für Babys und Kleinkinder geeignet, da dieses Spielzeug Kleinteile (winzige Augen) enthält.

You can send a hug from a distance to your friend or family members. Send me a text message and I’ll add a long distance hug card to the package. You can send it directly to your recipient.

Free shipping.

Please note:

Please note that transit time may vary depending on location and customs clearance, so I cannot guarantee the exact time of arrival.

You can pay in a convenient way for you, even in installments.

You pay VAT ( taxes, customs fees ) yourself.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me, I’m always happy to help you.

Thank You.

Elena ( @bonnytherapy )

Schifffahrt Kontinente: Afrika, Asien, Europa, Nordamerika, Südamerika, Antarktika, Ozeanien

Versandländer: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA), China

Versandfertig 1-3 Werktage von Serbien



Refund only if the quality of the product is inadequate.



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52.00 ~ 55.41 $

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