Hippo pattern and detailed PDF master-class

23.00 ~ 24.51 $

Verkauft durch: KatyaBespalova

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The pattern and detailed step-by-step instructions (20 pages) on making a hippo using the author’s techniques. Special attention is paid to making the face. The finished toy is 9 cm high.


The listing is for a hippo sewing pattern. It contains the pattern as well as step-by-step instructions with plenty of pictures so you won’t be lost. It is easy for beginners to follow. The workshop will take you through all the stages of making your own hippo.


The patterns for the hat and scarf are included.


The workshop is available as an instant download of a PDF file.

Please note, this kind of teddy bears is not suitable for kids.


I hope you will enjoy the happiness of making something wonderful with your hands. And you will create all the sweet memories for anyone you love and care!


My patterns are all my own original designs. Please, note that the patterns themselves are copyrighted but you are free to sell any items you make from them, please identify me (Katya Bespalova) as the original designer.


Thanks for stopping by!

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  • Name des Geschäfts: KatyaBespalova
  • Anbieter: KatyaBespalova
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