Felt flower fairies, Felt doll set 9, Birthday gift for girl

20.00 187.00 ~ 21.40 $ - 200.09 $

Verkauft durch: FeltarinoDoll

10 vorrätig

A set of felt dolls: a series of flower fairies.
Fairies have a height of 10 cm, with rare exceptions.
Fairies are a cute and memorable gift that will delight your child.


Missbrauch melden


Dolls are made of soft and hard felt. They are completely sewn by hand. When sewing toys, safe eyes and hypoallergenic filler were used.
Suitable for girls from the age of 3 years.
Dolls can be purchased separately or in a set of 9 pieces.

💐Your benefit

Why is it profitable to purchase a set?
1. You save on shipping.
2. You get a 10% discount when ordering 9 pieces.

💐 Materialien:

– Soft felt

– Hard felt

– Safe eyes

– Hypoallergenic filler

💐 Care

Toys are subject to dry cleaning with a cleaning roller.

💐 Delivery

Delivery of goods is carried out by Russian Post. Standard delivery is from 2 to 4 weeks, but due to the situation in the world, the delivery time may be extended.

💐 Refund and Exchange

The return of the goods is possible within 14 days from the date of  its receipt. The cost of delivery from the buyer to the seller is carried out by the buyer. The cost of the goods is reimbursed by the seller only upon receipt of the goods.

Schifffahrt Kontinente: Asien, Europa, Nordamerika

Versandfertig 3-5 Arbeitstage von Russland



Delivery of goods is carried out by Russian post. Standard delivery is from 2 to 4 weeks, but due to the situation in the world, the delivery time may be extended.



The return of the goods is possible within 14 days from the date of its receipt. The cost of delivery from the buyer to the seller is carried out by the buyer. The cost of the goods is reimbursed by the seller only upon receipt of the goods.

Zusätzliche Information


Set of 9 pc, Crocus, Iris, Dicenter, Peony, Foxglove, Lily of the valley, Sakura, Bluebell, Muscari


Angels & Fairies, Baby design, Birthday



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  • Name des Geschäfts: FeltarinoDoll
  • Anbieter: FeltarinoDoll
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20.00 187.00 ~ 21.40 $ - 200.09 $

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