Video course “Elephant and Pug”

90.00 ~ 96.30 $

Verkauft durch: Anastasiya_Goleneva

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The master class is held in the format of training video lessons, which show the whole way of creating a future doll, from cutting out the details, to the final touches and the finished work. Access to the master class is not limited in time!

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Access is registered manually, and comes within a day after payment.


The master class is held in the format of training video lessons, which show the whole way of creating a future doll, from cutting out the details, to the final touches and the finished work. Access to the master class is not limited in time!


Videos are divided into:


– recordings of live broadcasts, on which the author shows the process of creating a doll in real time and communicates with the audience;

– video tutorials for creating various stages of the doll;

The master class includes:


– patterns of a textile doll and her costume;


– translation of the pattern drawing through the author’s stencil;


– cutting, stuffing, assembling and painting with art paints;


– creating a costume;


– numerous recommendations, as well as nuances for creating a doll and its details;


– lessons on the final decoration and decor of the doll, the creation of accessories.



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