Puppe häkeln Muster

15.00 ~ 15.98 $

Verkauft durch: Myteddystore

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This is a tutorial on crochet a doll. The tutorial consists of 22 pages and 27 photographs.

Text in English. The tutorial also has links to videos of the doll crochet process.

Please note that this is a crochet doll pattern (PDF file), but not a toy.

The doll is crochet with a HOOK. You need any smooth yarn.

The tutorial contains:

1. PDF instructions for knitting a doll body, hairstyle, dress and bow;

2. Photos knitting dolls

3. Links to video tutorials

4. List of materials

The doll is 18 cm tall.

The bow and dress are removable. The underskirt is sewn to the doll. The doll is filled with holofiber.

Tutorial doll author: Lyudmila lives in a beautiful place in Russia – Altai Territory in the city of Novoaltaisk. She has been knitting for over 20 years. Lyudmila knits absolutely everything, but her biggest love is knitting toys!

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My instagram @OHMYFRIZZ

By supporting me and my creativity, you are supporting a small business that is aims to create cute dolls and toys. I want to be a positive force for our peace so thank you for supporting and encouraging that!









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  • Anbieter: Myteddystore
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