DIY PDF crochet pattern Cookies Hearts in a basket

3.00 4.50  (-33%)~ 3.21 $

Verkauft durch: Lucy Rose Crochet

98 vorrätig

CROCHET PATTERN to create little cookies hearts and a basket for them – a sweet decoration for Valentine’s Day.

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CROCHET PATTERN to create little cookies hearts and a basket for them – a sweet decoration for Valentine’s Day.

Please note that this is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD PDF CROCHET PATTERN, NOT the finished decoration.
The PDF crochet tutorial “Cookies Hearts in a Basket“ will be available for download immediately after purchase.

LANGUAGE: English – US crochet terms.

DK yarn, for example Vita Cotton Charm
Colours: on your choice.
Crochet hook: Size 2.00 mm

Size of the cookies made this yarn is about 4 cm x 4,5 cm, height of the basket is around 11 cm.

LEVEL: Intermediate

Magic ring, crocheting in spiral, single crochet, slip stitch, half-double crochet and double crochet stitches, increase and decrease stitches, color changing and ability to sew multiple pieces together.
However, if you have any questions about this crochet pattern, please contact me! I’ll be happy to help you.

Due to the nature of the product, there will be no refunds after purchase. Please note that this pattern is subject to copyright. Please do not reproduce, sell, or change the pattern in any way.
You may sell the finished product handmade by you from this pattern as long as you credit me as the original designer, and use your own photos to represent your work.

Hope you will enjoy making Valentine’s Day Cookies Hearts!



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  • Name des Geschäfts: Lucy Rose Crochet
  • Anbieter: Lucy Rose Crochet
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