CUTE CACTUS Crochet pattern, PDF Digital Download

3.00 ~ 3.21 $

Verkauft durch: SweetHeartThingS

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This is an easy crochet amigurumi pattern of Cute Cactus (PDF file).
Sprache des Musters: Englisch
Häkelbegriffe: US

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PLEASE NOTE! It is a PDF manual in English and not the finished product!
After downloading the PDF file, it cannot be returned or exchanged!

Hello dear! ❤
I suggest you crochet the sweetest cactus in the world! It can perform 3 functions at once: a toy, a holder for your favorite photo and a needle bed. Cactus is very kind and picky. You do not need to care for him. This cactus will be an excellent decoration for any room: from the office to the children’s room.

The pattern includes:
🌵 20 pages of detailed explanations step by step🌵
🌵many high quality pictures of the process🌵
🌵 beautiful design in PDF format suitable for all devices🌵

Language of the pattern: English
Crochet terms: US
Level: easy/beginners
📏GRÖSSE: approx. 11 cm (4,3″)

Please don’t hesitate to contact me and let me know if you have any questions about this pattern, or if you need any help.
I’m happy to help and want you to be happy with your pattern and finished projects. 




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