Crochet unicorn pattern amigurumi, animal, PDF, keychain

7.00 ~ 7.49 $

Verkauft durch: Natalka Spiridonova

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The smallest unicorn, perfectly fits in your palm! This listing is an original pattern to create your own cute unicorn

This 28 pages pattern includes detailed instructions you on how to crochet toy step by step. This pattern is avalable in PDF format.
If you have questions or difficulties in crocheting, you can ask me and I will gladly help you!
LANGUAGE: English, French
Approx. the height is 14 cm = 5,51 ” inches tall using the materials stated in the pattern.

For all available pattern tutorials, please visit:

Missbrauch melden

The smallest unicorn, perfectly fits in your palm! This listing is an original pattern to create your own cute unicorn

This 28 pages pattern includes detailed instructions you on how to crochet toy step by step. This pattern is avalable in PDF format.
If you have questions or difficulties in crocheting, you can ask me and I will gladly help you!
LANGUAGE: English, French
Approx. the height is 14 cm = 5,51 ” inches tall using the materials stated in the pattern.
Skills required: magic ring/crocheting in spirals/ chain/ single crochet/ double crochet/ single crochet increase. Also have knowledge of basic sewing and embroidery techniques.

This pattern is my copyrighted design and is made for personal use only. It may not be used for commercial purposes, forwarding, publication, transfer to other persons (wholly or partially) – distribution is prohibited! You may utilize the toy that you make with this pattern as you wish: give it as a present, sell it, etc. However, when/if posting pictures of any toys that are made using this pattern on the Internet or in printed publications, there should be reference to me as the author – “crocheted by the pattern of Spiridonova Natalka”

Danke fürs Einkaufen und viel Spaß beim Häkeln!!




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  • Name des Geschäfts: Natalka Spiridonova
  • Anbieter: Natalka Spiridonova
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Crochet unicorn pattern amigurumi, animal, PDF, keychain

Crochet unicorn pattern amigurumi, animal, PDF, keychain

7.00 ~ 7.49 $

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