Crochet toy pattern Teddy Fox, Amigurumi fox

8.00 ~ 8.56 $

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Crochet fox pattern, Amigurumi fox, crochet fox toy pattern

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Bitte beachten Sie!! DIES IST NUR EINE VORLAGE ZUM HERUNTERLADEN. Kein fertiges Spielzeug!

Thanks to this crochet pattern, you will be able to create this cute fox. It is crocheted from velour yarn and very pleasant to the touch. You can crochet it very simply. The crochet pattern is very detailed and clear. It will be a great gift for your loved ones.

Materialien und Werkzeuge:

1) The main yarn is velour. 100g. / 170 meters – orange – 1,5 skeins, white – 1/4 skein.

2)32*3.5mm t- shaped cotter pins, disks for them (6pc – 30 mm (for head and legs) , 4pc – 20 mm (for arms) )

3) 3 mm crochet hook (US D)

4) toy stuf ing.

5) 5-6mm plastic (safety) eyes —4 pc. (2 pcs. for a fox, 2 pcs. for goose)

6) 16*10mm safety nose – plastic nose.

7) black thread for mouth and claws embroidery.

8) strong thread, matching to main color – for face shaping.

9) white semi-cotton thread for sclera embroidery.

10) paints – the color must be 2-3 shadows darker than main yarn color. You can use hard pastels and also oil paints. Brush.

11) sewing needle for attaching the details, long needle for face shaping.

12) scissors.

13) needle-nose pliers (or simple pliers) – the tool for cotter pin jointing.

14) Marker – to indicate beginning of rounds. I use thread of contrasting color.

The size of the toy with the materials indicated above – 23-25 cm (9,5”).


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